
#LouisPasteur #Schwann #France #Germany #French #German #Pasteurization #Pepsin #Stomach #Milk #Food #Louis #Pasteur...

Louis Pasteur died on September 28, 1895 at the age of 72.

#embarrassment #panda #cupboard #bamboo #animal #kingdom #collective #collectivenoun #noun #china #sandiego #japan...


#Swedish #English #Meanings #Communication

#Banana #Genetics #DNA #genomic #sequence #material #geneticmaterial #discovery #science #gene #human #match...

#BabeRuth breaks the single season record for home runs for the first time by scoring the 28th home run on...

First Chief Justice of USA - John Lay

Neptune is named after:

Why is Neptune blue in color? It is due to -

How was Neptune discovered on September 23rd, 1846?

#Onthisday #OTD #NepTune #UrAnus #Planet #Plan #ET #Tune

There is a saying, "Fly like a butterfly around this beautiful world"

What is Rhinos horn made of?

Where do you find White Rhinoceros the most?

#WorldRhinoDay - September, 22nd

#Uber #Shareride #Share #Ride #Lyft #CMU - Also, check out the Partnership collection column, and also Ub-Ola, which...

#Faraday #ElectromagneticInduction

#Women #Right #Vote #NewZealand

#ElectromagneticInduction #Faraday #Far #A #Day

On this day: September 21st - J.

Wright brothers right on flight poem by Dr. Srikanth Srinivasan Kidambi

#Neptune #planet #planetarysystem #planetary #system #val-u-pro #solar #solarsystem #sun #consulting #group #llc...

Our company will be offering a series on the following set of questions, and more in the coming weeks

#time #management #sleep #gettingup #VAL-U-PRO #consulting #group #llc #srikanthskidambi #ammatv #amma #tv...

This is how salaries stack up for physicians around the globe (Continuation of the healthcare data series)

What can you learn from this chart?

#collective #noun #collectivenoun #brainyread #read #brain #ssk #srikanthsrinivasankidambi #kidambi #val-u-pro #amma...

#spider #monkey #spidermonkey #timbavathi #wildlife #park #animal #wild

Mr. Jeans vs. Mr. Beans

#simpson #doyouknow #know #murder #crows #crow #notrussellcrowe #notmartincrowe #notjeffcrowe #russellcrowe #crowe...

#LaborDay #Labor #Wildlife #WildlifePark #Park #Penguin #NorthPole #Riddle #Joke